Gigantic Pictures Ltd. U.K.

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To the book binder!

Photo by Hannes Wolf @hannes_wolf on Unsplash

CAPACITY BOOK I - PART I : LEAVING SINTERRA artwork has shipped to the book binder, and it looks ah-mazing! The artists are happy, the producer is happy… oh, we are feeling good as we start a new chapter after the end of a most challenging year.

We cannot wait to share this gorgeous ray of hope with you all. A gorgeous 1st Edition of the first book in the epic series. We will print five runs of two hundred for a total of one thousand of these eighty-five page hard cover books. Each of the smaller runs of 200 copies will contain a full-page art work unique to the run, making them more collectable. Once these are printed, we will move to a final artwork for all further printings! We hope you enjoy the fun and collect them all!