I said, "lunch" not "launch"!

Photo by Bill Jelen @billjelen on Unsplash

Photo by Bill Jelen @billjelen on Unsplash

Well friends… from initial concepts, lexicons, and character sketches all the way to the published first book, CAPACITY was five years in the making… and, today our order website is live! Yes!

It was no easy climb but the challenges overcome along the journey were well worth the effort. The milestones and moments we experienced from the dismal to the glorious were ones we will never forget. Special thanks to all who supported us along the way; you know who you are, and we know who you are, and… we thank you! Together, we did it!

One note about CAPACITY as we ponder the view from the mountain top… we truly love this story, its complex faceting and simple telling, and we cannot wait to release more of the series to you. Stay tuned, friends. You are in for a great ride! For now, we are excited… so excited to introduce you to new worlds, new realities, new heroes and villains contained within the debut title, “Leaving Sinterra”.


P.S., any other kids from the 70s out there? This blog title was from a show called, “Far Out Space Nuts” starring Bob Denver and Chuck McCann. If you’ve never seen it, check it out here. (If you have seen it, once was probably enough, right?).


To the book binder!